The Project is financed by European Union and Republic of Turkey


Switching to Organic Farming

The transition period is recognized as the period from the start of organic production to the time the organic certificate is earned. The transition period for annual plants is one year, while that of forage plants is two years and for the perennial plants it is three years. However, this period can be shortened depending on land conditions.

During the transition process, producers are able to sell their products only in the third year, with the label ‘organic transition product’. Once the transition process is completed, they can earn the organic product certificate to be sold as organic products.


Attain membership with the farmers registration system


Submit application to Inspection and Certification Body


Evaluation and appraisal of land use for organic farming by Inspection and Certification Body


Sign a contract with Inspection and Certification Body  


Transition period begins. The transition period for annual plants is one year, while that of forage plants is two years and for the perennial plants it is three years.


Inspection and Certification Body carries out inspections on productions in the transition period.


Products can be sold in the third year, with the label ‘organic transition product’


During the transition period the Inspection and Certification Body conducts inspections


When the transition period ends, organic production certificate is earned and for the duration of a year.